IOXperts Video 1.1b50 posted

Steve Sisak steve.sisak at
Sun Mar 20 19:59:45 EST 2005

The installers are posted here:


changes in 1.1b50
>Add support for getting version from component in lo/hi words.
>Builds under Tiger beta.
>DM generates default camera (source) names as follows <deviceName> - 
><vendor> [<sequenceNumber>]
>For example   "QuickCam Zoom - IOXperts 2".  Names are tied to the 
>vendor associated with the DM.
>Logging of serial number and device key functions when enabled to 
>Move all dprintf logfiles to /Library/Logs/IOXperts.
>Rewrite Transcoding Digitizer - PTZ, face tracking, and blue screen 
>when demo over now work more reliably.
>Significant speedups in transcoding digitizer because decompression 
>sequences is not rebuilt each frame.
>Known behavior: When a codec for a particular format doesn't exist, 
>PTZ doesn't work, but no error reported.
>Ability to specify any matrix and rectangle as desired in 
>transcoding digitizer. (Not exposed at this time).
>eSellerate - TrackingID should be reported to IOXperts correctly in 
>sales reports.
>fix potential crash (uninitialized pointer) in IIDCDriver::QueryHardware()
>support for Point Grey Scoprion (and possibly Flea)
>support for custom Sony/Kodak XCD-SX900
>don't append " - IOXperts" to camera name in IIDC driver (do in 
>customizer default name so user can overried)
>support for 1394.b mode on Sony XCD-V50

This actually has quite a bit of extra functionality.

The big change is that the software pan/tilt/zoom code has been 
re-written so it is much faster and easier to maintain -- please test 
this feature as we could have introduced bugs (hopefully fewer than 
we took out).

Also, for anyone using the logging version, all logs have been moved 
to /Library/Logs/IOXperts/, which is visible in the Console 

Please let us know of any problems.



Steve Sisak, CTO                                 steve.sisak at
IOXperts, Inc.                                     voice: +1 617 876-2572
87 Bristol St #3A                                    fax: +1 617 876-2337
Cambridge, MA 02139                               mobile: +1 617 388-6476

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