Current Intel support (was: IOXperts Video 1.1.2a12)

Steve Sisak steve.sisak at
Mon Jul 17 16:07:22 EDT 2006

At 12:40 PM -0700 7/17/06, Hans Tobeason wrote:
>Sorry if I'm being thick, but I just can't keep it straight - does 
>this build support UniBrain Fire-i cameras on Intel?  I'm using 2 
>Fire-i cameras with an Intel build of SecuritySpy.  And, if not, do 
>you plan to?

Hi Hans,

No problem.

None of the FireWire Drivers work on Intel yet (although it's planned).

Right now, what has been working on Intel is:


    QuickCam Pro 5000 and newer

Added in 1.1.2a11:


    Vesta series
    ToUcam series (except some PCVC720/K)


    QuickCam Pro 3000 and newer



(a few others)

If you're not sure, just try it -- if a camera works in Rosetta but 
doesn't appear in a native app, then it's not supported yet -- we're 
careful not to register the digitizer for devices that haven't been 
tested (outside debug builds).


FireWire is in the list, but I've done the others first because 
there's a big installed base and there isn't a solution from Apple.

Also, the FireWire driver has a lot of hand-coded stuff (either 
assembly or tricky integer math) that has to be re-written to handle 
Intel byte order.

(There's a lot of code for efficiently converting between the YUV 
format that IIDC cameras return and what the mac expects which makes 
implicit assumptions about byte order)

In any case, I think that's next on the list.



Steve Sisak, CTO                                 steve.sisak at
IOXperts, Inc.                                     voice: +1 617 876-2572
87 Bristol St #3A                                    fax: +1 617 876-2337
Cambridge, MA 02139                               mobile: +1 617 388-6476

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