IOXperts Video 1.1.2a28 posted

Steve Sisak steve.sisak at
Sat Mar 24 13:36:51 EDT 2007

At 6:12 PM +0100 3/24/07, Andi wrote:
>Steve Sisak schrieb:
>>Possible fix (and additional logging to detect) the Skype crash
>Just to inform you: no Skype crashes with a29 by now. :)
>Thanks for your good work!

Thanks, that's good news -- I was just going to ask evertone how 
testing was going -- I'm assuming no news is good news in this case. 

If anyone sees any major issues that need to be fixed before 
shipping, please speak up now -- I do know of a few and will post 
them in a bit.

Here are a couple I can think of now:

   1) Get face tracking driving mechanical pan/tilt on Logitech Orbit/Sphere

   2) Fix the registration dialog so it only triggers once per application

      (this is annoying in Skype because it opens/closes all the time)

   3) Update eSellerate for new SKU for this version (might switch bump to 1.2)

The current plan is for this version to be a paid update for owners 
of 1.1 -- I'm thinking $14.95 -- basically this covers long time 
users who are upgrading from PPC to Intel (there hasn't been a paid 
upgrade yet).

It will be free for:

   1) Cameras not supported by 1.1 final (new Logitech models, Philips PC900NC)

   2) People who purchased a beta version and haven't had a final yet

Does this seem fair to everyone?


Steve Sisak, CTO                                 steve.sisak at
IOXperts, Inc.                                     voice: +1 617 876-2572
87 Bristol St #3A                                    fax: +1 617 876-2337
Cambridge, MA 02139                               mobile: +1 617 388-6476

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