Address passed in FireWire Register function calls

Steve Sisak steve.sisak at
Thu Jul 14 15:33:47 GMT 2005

At 1:59 PM -0500 7/14/05, inge at wrote:
>I've been trying to call IOXGetFireWireDeviceRegister and
>IOXSetFireWireDeviceRegister. However, the address passed was only 32-bit.
>According to IIDC-1394 specification, the base address is FFFF Fxxx xxxx.
>According to Point Grey documentation, the base address of the Scorpion
>camera is FFF F0F0 0000. While calling IOXGetFireWireDeviceRegisteri and
>IOXSetFireWireDeviceRegister, how could I know what's the full or upper
>part of the address of the register I'm accessing (i.e. the first 16-bit
>of the address-FFFF)?

Hi Inge,

Just pass the low 32-bits (or the offset from the CSR base address) 
-- the driver handles the proper mapping to absolute FireWire address 

For example:

	CUR_V_FRM_RATE		= 0x0600,		// current frame rate
	CUR_V_MODE			= 0x0604,		// 
current video mode
	CUR_V_FORMAT		= 0x0608,		// current video format
	ISO_CHANNEL			= 0x060C,		// 
isochronous channel number
	CAMERA_POWER		= 0x0610,		// power up camera
	ISO_EN				= 0x0614,		// 
isochronous transfer enabler
	MEMORY_SAVE			= 0x0618,		// 
save status and modes
	ONE_SHOT			= 0x061C,		// 
one/multi/cycle shot
	MEM_SAVE_CH			= 0x0620,		// 
memory save channel
	MEM_LOAD_CH			= 0x0624,		// 
memory load channel

	BRIGHTNESS			= 0x0800,		// brightness
	EXPOSURE			= 0x0804,		// 
auto exposure
	SHARPNESS			= 0x0808,		// sharpness
	WHITE_BALANCE		= 0x080C,		// white balance
	HUE					= 0x0810,		// hue
	SATURATION			= 0x0814,		// saturation
	GAMMA				= 0x0818,		// gamma
	SHUTTER				= 0x081C,		// shutter
	GAIN				= 0x0820,		// gain
	IRIS				= 0x0824,		// iris
	FOCUS				= 0x0828,		// focus
	TEMPERATURE			= 0x082C,		// temperature
	TRIGGER				= 0x0830,		// trigger
	ZOOM				= 0x0880,		// zoom
	PAN					= 0x0884,		// pan
	TILT				= 0x0888,		// tilt
	OPTICAL_FILTER		= 0x088C,		// optical filter


Steve Sisak, CTO                                 steve.sisak at
IOXperts, Inc.                                     voice: +1 617 876-2572
87 Bristol St #3A                                    fax: +1 617 876-2337
Cambridge, MA 02139                               mobile: +1 617 388-6476

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