video format and inversion

Mike Travisano mtravisano at
Tue May 8 09:25:24 GMT 2007

Thanks again, Steve. The insight you provided was most helpful.

I used a Decompress sequence and a GWorld to get the 2VUY data into a
RGB32 pixel format. It appears to be working quite reliably.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Sisak [mailto:steve.sisak at] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 8:57 AM
To: IOXperts Video Developers Discussion List
Cc: Mike Travisano
Subject: RE: video format and inversion

At 3:50 PM -0400 5/7/07, Mike Travisano wrote:
>It appears that the driver only wants to return 2yuv, as confirmed
>through both the VDGetDigitizerInfo call (looking at VDIG
>outputcapabilities flags) and the VDGetImageDescription() call.
>The VDGetCompressionTypes() function only returns one item in a list
>"Component Video CCIR - 601 uyuv"

That would be the Apple driver, not ours.

For IIDC cameras, we support 'yuv2' "Component Video" and 'raw ' 24- and

>I've tried to set all of the following using the VDSetCompression(...)
>function, but they all get rejected.
>k16LE555PixelFormat = 16 bit LE rgb 555
>k16LE5551PixelFormat = 16 bit LE rgb 5551
>k16BE565PixelFormat = 16 bit BE rgb 565
>k16LE565PixelFormat = 16 bit LE rgb 565
>k24BGRPixelFormat = 24 bit bgr
>k32BGRAPixelFormat = 32 bit bgra (Matrox)
>k32ABGRPixelFormat = 32 bit abgr
>k32RGBAPixelFormat = 32 bit rgba

None of the littel-endian formats are supported on Mac OS -- the RGB 
formats would be cType = 'raw ', depth = 16, 24, or 32

Corresponding to :

16-bit ARGB 1555
24-bit RGB
32-bit ARGB

These are the only MacOS RGB formats -- the others are used for 
import/export from/to foreign operating systems.

>I'll look into the using a Decompression Sequence/GWorld solution.

That's probably the most portable.

Steve Sisak, CTO
steve.sisak at
IOXperts, Inc.                                     voice: +1 617
87 Bristol St #3A                                    fax: +1 617
Cambridge, MA 02139                               mobile: +1 617

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