[IOXperts Wireless-Discuss] Problem eject/reinserting

IOXperts Support support at ioxperts.com
Thu Nov 6 15:18:47 GMT 2003

Mohammad A. Haque <mhaque at haque.net> wrote:
> Is this the proper place to also discuss possible problems with the 
> driver?

Sure! For released versions, we'd prefer to get bug reports at
support at ioxperts.com, but beta feedback and suggestions are
what this list is for.

> I'm having a problem on a DHCP network where if I eject my card and 
> reinsert it, the driver doesn't reattach to the card.

Is this under MacOS 9 or MacOS X?  Under MacOS 9, we know what is
causing this and are working on a fix for it.  It may not make it
into 1.0.3, but if not we'll issue a new version as soon as the fix
is implemented.

If this is under MacOS X, we haven't heard reports of this.  Can you
provide some more information?


Amanda Walker
Sr. Software Engineer
IOXperts, Inc.

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