IOXperts Video 1.1b51 posted

Steve Sisak steve.sisak at
Tue Apr 5 21:37:56 EDT 2005

At 3:19 PM -0700 4/5/05, Hans Tobeason wrote:
>I have been using the various versions of the beta driver for a long 
>time - over a year, certainly.  Is there some reason that b51, which 
>I installed a week ago, is suddenly telling me "demo period expired" 
>(I did just reboot for the first time since installing b51)? 
>Honestly, I no longer have any memory of purchasing an IOXperts 
>license - I've been on betas for so long I can't recall.  What 
>should I do?  Thanks.

Buy a license?

Seriously, I suspect that you're using a camera that shipped with a 
copy of out drivers (Unibrain, ADS, Orange Micro) -- since Apple 
started shipping free IIDC drivers with Mac OS 10.2, the camera 
manufacturers are no longer paying us anything to maintain the driver.

Because of this (and the fact that 1.1 provides a lot of 
functionality beyond the Apple driver), 1.1 is free to IOXperts 
customers, but a paid upgrade for people who got a driver free with 
their camera.

In b51 we found and fixed a bug that was letting old OEM-licensed 
cameras run for free.

If you've been doing serious testing and think you've contributed $20 
to development, send me the unique ID from your camera and I'll give 
you a serial number, but I have to apply the appropriate guilt trip 
as well. :-)

(If you think you bought a license, I'll check eSellerate and look it up)



Steve Sisak, CTO                                 steve.sisak at
IOXperts, Inc.                                     voice: +1 617 876-2572
87 Bristol St #3A                                    fax: +1 617 876-2337
Cambridge, MA 02139                               mobile: +1 617 388-6476

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