Logitech Fusion problems

Steve Sisak steve.sisak at ioxperts.com
Thu Aug 31 15:11:01 EDT 2006

At 2:48 PM -0400 8/17/06, Steve Sisak wrote:
>I have a suspicion that this is a firmware issue with the camera 
>that we're working on with Logitech.

My apologies for not posting a public reply on this sooner:

A couple of people have sent me logs and it appears that there is a 
firmware bug in older versions of the Fusion, Pro 5000 (and I would 
guess black QC for Notebooks Pro, since it's similar).

Between 1.1.2a12 and 1.1.2a16 I hooked up support for a bunch of the 
Logitech-specific controls on these cameras and it appears that on 
older firmware, the required GET_INFO call for these controls isn't 

The error gets reported and results in the driver not loading.

I'll need to put an explicit work-around for this in the driver -- 
hopefully I'll have something for you over the weekend.

If you have the logging version of the driver installed, you can 
verify this by looking in the log and see if you find something that 
looks like this:

    video probe: info=0x03 len=26
   video commit:
### Error initializing control 4, -536870165(0xe00002eb)
     power line frequency: GET_INFO not supported,
### Error initializing control 5, -536870165(0xe00002eb)
     saturation: info=0x02 len=0
### Error initializing control 7, -536870165(0xe00002eb)

If you're stuck, you can install 1.1.2a12 and set your clock back to 
get around the beta expiration.

I suspect that this is an easy fix, but it has to be done in several places.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Steve Sisak, CTO                                 steve.sisak at ioxperts.com
IOXperts, Inc.                                     voice: +1 617 876-2572
87 Bristol St #3A                                    fax: +1 617 876-2337
Cambridge, MA 02139                               mobile: +1 617 388-6476

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