Odd files and double install.

Steve Sisak steve.sisak at ioxperts.com
Sun Feb 10 16:48:43 EST 2008

At 3:01 PM -0600 2/9/08, Jeff Phillips wrote:
>Add me to the list using an SPC900NC on my MacBook.
>On Feb 9, 2008, at 1:17 PM, Tom Talbott wrote:
>>I am also getting the odd files in my root.  This is with a Philips 
>>Vesta 690k and Leopard.

I've never seen the extra files on any of my systems, so I could use 
a little help tracking down what causes them. I just realized that 
another possible source could be then uninstall script, which I 
rarely run because the installer essentially does the same thing.

It also could be the case that it's the result of the intermediate 
state when an initial install has failed, although I got through that 
state frequently.

The first question is: "Has anyone seen this on a US English system?"

If not, under which languages does it occur? My current guess is that 
one of the scripts is getting confused by a localized spelling of 
"Application Support" or "Trash", although the underlying OS calls 
are supposed to use a cannonical spelling.

If you've done an uninstall and reinstall, when do they show up?

Also, if anyone would like to try it -- here is a probable workaround 
for the double install problem:

sudo killall ioxsessiond
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.ioxperts.ioxdeviced.1.1.plist
sudo killall ioxdeviced
sudo rm -R /var/tmp/com.ioxperts.dm.*

Execute these lines from the terminal before installing and the 
install should work. (You should be able to paste them into the 
terminal and type your password -- note that only one of the middle 
two should succeed depending on how ioxdeviced was loaded)

What these command do is:

1) Kill all copies of ioxsessions (one per logged-in user)
2) Kill ioxdeviced if it was loaded by launchd
3) Kill ioxdeviced it it was loaded as a StartupItem (old driver version)
4) Remove any leftover UNIX domain socket files

At this point the daemons should be shut down and the install should work.

If anyone has a chance to test this on different systems, I'd 
appreciate it as this is basically what I plan on adding to the 
installer (and uninstaller) to fix the problem. It's worn knowing 
that the steps work on all systems before coding it.

BTW, it's almost never necessary to uninstall the driver before 
reinstalling -- if the installer doesn't clean up after a previous 
version, it's a bug.


Steve Sisak, CTO                                 steve.sisak at ioxperts.com
IOXperts, Inc.                                     voice: +1 617 876-2572
87 Bristol St #3A                                    fax: +1 617 876-2337
Cambridge, MA 02139                               mobile: +1 617 388-6476

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