IOXperts Video 1.1.2b1 posted

Steve Sisak steve.sisak at
Sat Mar 1 18:19:33 EST 2008

>It was embarrassing explaining to the wife and the in-laws that I, the
>self-professed geek, couldn't make their weekly video call happen.
>Painful ;)

Sorry - that wasn't intentional.

Just so you know, the expiration date check isn't very strict -- you 
can get around it by setting date back on your computer.

The reason the expiration date is there is so that the latest version 
of the driver gets tested.

In the past, we've had problems where everyone just used whatever 
version they downloaded first unless they had problem -- then a bug 
that was introduced in a later build ended up in the final release 
because the people it affected hadn't updated.

Steve Sisak, CTO                                 steve.sisak at
IOXperts, Inc.                                            +1 617 876-2572

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