[IOXperts Video-Developers] Re: OK, now how about ->two<- QuickCams?

rob shaw rob at haptek.com
Sat Jan 10 09:41:03 GMT 2004

Thanks, Steve,

>Also, if you look at our property API, you can set the bandwidth
>property of each video digitizer instance to <= 0x8000 to force that
>camera to use <= half of the available bandwidth on the bus. This may
>slow frame rate, increase image compression or reduce image size, but
>each camera will use only half of the bus.

Sorry, I wasn't able to find the "property API" you mention.  I didn't see
anything about a bandwidth property in the VDigProperty.h or IOXVideoParams.h
I downloaded.  I looked on the apple developer site, and found the calls
VDGetDataRate() and VDSetDataRate(), but they don't seem to be implemented.
So I assume the bandwidth property is a selector to your

As long as I'm asking for selectors, could I have the one that homes the
Orbit QuickCam?
I know it exists, because the home button on your SG control panel works!

Thanks again, and sorry to be a pest.


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