IOXperts Video 1.1.2a47 posted

Steve Sisak steve.sisak at
Thu Feb 21 14:30:29 EST 2008

At 10:06 AM -0800 2/21/08, Greg Glover wrote:
>I'm still getting the strange files with my installs on a US English system.

I'm beginning to think that this might be some other piece of 
software -- do you have any idea when they show up?

If you delete the files, install the driver, and reboot are the files there?

If you run HackTV


do they show up?

Or do they show up after running one of your other video applications?

Tom Talbott sent me a copy of his MAC addresses and they don't match 
the file names, so that shoots the key file theory.

One interesting experiment would be to make the root directory read 
only and see what crashes.

>Also, it doesn't seem to play nice with other cams. I have a UVC cam 
>(XBox Live Vision, works with Leopard & even iChat without 
>additional drivers) and I am rarely able to have both working at the 
>same time -- say the QuickCam Notebooks Pro in Skype and the UVC cam 
>in iChat. This might be an OS level limitation though.

We go through great pains to cooperate with other cameras, but you 
might be running out of USB bus bandwidth.

You can use the "Bandwidth" slider to restrict the amount of 
bandwidth that thie IOX driver will let the camera have in leave 
bandwidth over for others.

I don't believe Apple's driver has any way to do that, but if you can 
get the QuickCam running at reduced bandwidth and then start the 
other camera, it will take what's left over.

If you run across other UVC cameras that work let me know and I'll 
try and get some for testing.


Steve Sisak, CTO                                 steve.sisak at
IOXperts, Inc.                                     voice: +1 617 876-2572
87 Bristol St #3A                                    fax: +1 617 876-2337
Cambridge, MA 02139                               mobile: +1 617 388-6476

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