WPA support forthcoming?

Rob Jorgensen robj at woh.rr.com
Mon Jan 19 19:19:48 GMT 2004

At 6:26 PM -0500 1/19/04, IOXperts Support wrote:
>On Jan 19, 2004, at 4:54 PM, Rob Jorgensen wrote:
>>I'm using one of the original Orinoco Gold cards and I've recently 
>>been informed that my wireless access point will soon be capable of 
>>WPA. Are there any plans to add this capability to the wireless 
>>driver (OS X in particular)? Is it even possible? Is this strictly 
>>a function of the driver or do the cards have limits? I'm sorry for 
>>the novice level questions but I'm clueless. :p
>We've been actively investigating WPA support, but we need to do 
>some more work to figure out which devices we'd be able to support 
>it on, so we don't have a real answer yet.  If we can support it at 
>all, though, the Orinoco Gold is likely to be on the list.  If and 
>when we have anything for people to test, we'll announce it on the 
>wireless-beta-announce mailing list.

Thanks for the info, Amanda. I hope WPA support is in the cards (no 
pun intended). ;-)


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